सीएसआईआर-राष्ट्रीय भौतिक प्रयोगशाला
CSIR-National Physical Laboratory
Brief details of Recent Key-Comparisons Participated / Piloted
- Pilot laboratory for conducting the international inter-laboratory comparison (ILC) on volume (micropipettes) and Glass Scale among the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) National Metrology Institute (NMIs) under the SAARC-PTB project to strength the quality infrastructure in SAARC region. This inter-comparison is under process (2019-2022).
- Participated in the international key comparison (APMP.M.FF-K4.2.2021) on volume (micro-pipettes) organized among Asia Pacific Metrology Program (APMP) NMIs (2021).
- CSIR-National Physical laboratory (Length, Dimension & Nano Metrology section) participated in International key comparison in length parameter for 610 mm step gauge registered as EURAMET.L-K5.2016, Piloted by NPL UK with various participating NMIs. The measurements for this intercomparison were carriedout by NPL India in 2018, using Coordinate Measuring machine (CMM)LEGEX 9106 , at Length, Dimension and Nano Metrology Section.As per the report that came in June 2020, wehave successfully qualified the intercomparison and stood at par with global NMIs with Envalues 0.57. The intercomparison reports has been published in KCDB portal and Metrologia which can be accessed through the links:
– https://www.bipm.org/documents/20126/45451596/EURAMET.L-K5-2016.pdf/21d936a0-fcf0-ec46-ed40-2e584e63222f
– https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0026-1394/57/1A/04002 - Length Dimension and Nano Metrology, NPL India, piloted international intercomparison APMP.L-S7 for step height standards with NIM Thailand, NMI Japan, BEV Austria and A*STAR Singapore. This intercomparison (APMP.L-S7) was conducted for a wide range (8 nm, 18 nm, 88 nm and 10 µm) of step heights, for new CMC claims. The final analysis was completed in June 2021 and the intercomparison report has been published on KCDB portal and metrology, which can be accessed through links:
– https://www.bipm.org/documents/20126/45452292/APMP.L-S7.pdf/9f10ad91-25dd-3af8-acb5-900cdbc17027
– https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0026-1394/58/1A/04003/meta
- Temperature and Humidity Metrology has participated in different inter-comparisons as listed in the Table below:
S. No. | Key Comparison | Parameter & range | Remarks/ Comments |
1. | SADC-Met, 2000-02 | LIGT, 0 to 50 °C | Satisfactory completed |
2. | APMP-S-T7, 2006-07 | S-TC, 0 to 1100 °C | Satisfactory |
3. | APMP-KC-3, 2000-01 | Hg, TPW, Ga, Zn by SPRT | Satisfactory completed |
4. | APMP-TK-4, 2005-06 | Al and Ag by SPRT | Satisfactory completed |
5. | APMP-T-Pt/Pd, 2012-13 | Pt/Pd TC, Co-C point (1324 °C) | Successfully Completed |
6. | APMP-T-S8 | LIGT, -40°C to 250 °C | Under process |
7 | APMP-T-S16 | Type-R TC upto 1600 oC | Under process |
8 | APMP-T-K9 | SPRT on ITS-90 fixed points, -189 oC (TP Ar) to 420 oC (FP Zn) | Under process |
9 | APMP-TS14 | Relative Humidity (10 % to 95 %) | Under process |
Force and Hardness Metrology Section
- The different inter-comparisons participated in the force and hardness parameters are listed in the Table below:
List of Inter-comparisons Participated:
Parameter | Identifica-tion of inter-comparison | Participated NMIs | Range | Date of Partici-pation | Date of Report | CMC |
Force | PTB-NPL | PTB, Germany; NPLI, India. | 10-100 kN, 100-1000 kN | 2010 | Sep. 2011 | ± 0.002% ± 0.009% |
Hardness | APMP.MH-S3 | NIMT, Thailand; PTB, Germany; SCL, Hong Kong; KRISS, Korea; NPLI, India. | HRA HRB ≤60 >60 | October 2010 | May 2012 | 0.3 HRA 0.6 HRB 0.5 HRB |
Force | APMP. M.F.-K2 |